Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

story telling golden snail

ada yang butuh story telling? biasanya disetiap blog pasti ada teks story, tapi kebanyakan tidak seperti yang kita inginkan katena belum didit dan sebagainya, nah sekarang saya akan bagikan story golden snail,  ada psan moralnya juga loh. sebagai pengalaman saya pernah mendapat juara 1 loh dari cerita ini, semoga bermanfaat ya :)

The legend of Golden snail

A long time ago in the Daha kingdom, there lived a king his name king Kertamarta. He have 2 beautiful daughters, her name is princess Candra kirana and princess Dewi galuh. Princess Candra Kirana was betrothed to the crown prince of the khuripan kingdom his name prince Inu Kertapati. Princess Dewi galuh jealous because princess candra kirana get married with prince Inu kertapati.
Galuh : "Why Kirana get married with prince Inu kertapati? Why not me?  It's not fair!. Only me, will be prince's Inu kertapati wife not Kirana! Ummm, now what should I do?".
After thinking hard, Princess dewi Galuh go to a witch house and ask her to change princes candra kirana to be a golden snail, if like that princes candra kirana can’t wedding with prince inu kertapati.
Witch : " don’t worry galuh , I can to change candra kirana to be a golden snail ".
Next day in the morning princess candra kirana go to market, for buy anything to welcome party prince Inu. Suddenly, princess Candra kirana met with ugly woman. This woman is a witch.
Witch : " ooo candra kirana, hwaha…….Abrakadabra change to be a golden snail!!!
Kirana : "Aaaaaaaaaaa no please help me!!".
The witch threw up the golden snail to the river, and the snail is aground in dadapan village. One day the old woman fishing in the river and then the old woman find a golden snail. This old woman is Mbok Rondo.
Mbok Rondo : " Oohh, Snail you very beautiful!! I will take you".
After Mbok rondo go to river, her is back to the home and put the golden snail into a bucket, suddenly the golden snail change to be a princess Kirana and then princess kirana tell about her sister to mbok rondo.
When the prince Inu kertapati know about the princess candra Kirana disappear, prince Inu kertapati was seeking princess candra Kirana In the dadapan village.
Then prince Inu kertapati take princess Candra Kirana and mbok rondo in the Daha kingdom. Princess Candra kirana tell about misconduct princess dewi galuh to the king Kertamata.
galuh: no father her lie father no I can’t do no no.
Now princess dewi galuh was died. But finally Prince Inu kertapati and Princess Candra kirana is wedding and they life happily ever after.
The moral massage from this story is don’t be easily jealous of someone else.


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